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Annual Meeting 2018

LMI Lecture Theatre
Liverpool Medical Institution, Liverpool
Monday, 12 November, 2018 - 14:00 to Tuesday, 13 November, 2018 - 13:30

All our members are welcome to attend our 2018 Annual Meeting, November 12-13 in Liverpool, UK. The meeting provides an excellent opportunity to network with other members interested in or already using human infection models to further research in infectious disease, and to hear about the exciting projects HIC-Vac are funding.

The meeting is free to attend, but travel/accommodation costs are not provided. Lunch and refreshments during the conference will be available, and we are hosting a reception for guests on the 12 November.

The meetings are open to all Network Investigators, Associates and Affiliates, but you must be a member to attend. Membership is free – if you are not yet a member, you can join here

If you would like to attend simply register via EventBrite here

More information:



Travel and accommodation


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